Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Financial fitness plan 2012

"Most couch potatoes will never compete in a triathlon. But they don't need to. Just a few minutes of exercise a day can help the formerly inert shed pounds, boost their energy levels and live longer. If you're already getting a little exercise, a little more can get you truly fit.

The same is true with money. You probably won't transform yourself from a train wreck into a billionaire. With some effort, though, you can pay down debt, build up savings and look forward to a more comfortable financial future."

- Liz Weston in her MSN Money article, "Get financially fit in 2012"

Weston lists five things you can do to help reduce debt, boost savings, and cut expenses:

1) Get your priorities straight.

2) Implement a plan to deal with your debt.

3) Review your expenses.

4) Create your survival plan.

5) Protect what you've got.

Read the full article to find out how.

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