Tuesday, November 9, 2010

St. Joseph Business Summit 2010

Once again, Family Investment Center is sponsoring the St. Joseph
Business Summit this year! One of the pillars of economic
prosperity is the success of businesses all around the United
States. This half-day program has been created to help local
business people get better and to spur budding entrepreneurs on
to great things.

This year's keynote will be Danny O'Neill, "the Bean Baron"of The Roasterie, Inc., a specialty coffeeroasting company which services espresso bars and coffee houses, fine restaurants, high-end grocers, offices and retail accounts. Danny started The Roasterie in thebasement of his Brookside home in November 1993, but his passion for coffee began in high school when he spent a year in
Costa Rica as an exchange student. He spent several weeks picking
coffee. Since then, Danny has made hundreds of trips to origin,
touring different segments of the coffee industry and locating the best coffees in the world. Since The Roasterie's inception, Danny has become a sought-after expert in the ever growing coffee industry. He has judged cupping and barista competitions all around the globe since 1995.

For more about the program and registration information, click here.

Thursday, November 18th
8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
MWSU Fulkerson Center

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