From my perspective,
generating high and sustained economic growth is the most paramount issue
facing the country. Presidents, like
quarterbacks, probably get too much credit when things are going well and too
much blame when times are tough. No
president in a free-market democracy can mandate or command the economy to
grow. Effective fiscal and monetary
policies are more nuanced.
Modern economic theory
supports the notion that government can and should act to attempt to stimulate
aggregate demand in times of recession or weak economic growth. The looming “fiscal cliff” or budget
sequestration is very disconcerting to many.
Tax increases and/or federal spending austerity are not the correct
short-run policies for a feeble economy with high unemployment. Without question, this issue will be job #1
for the winner of the election.
The level of the federal
deficit and national debt must be addressed during the course of the next four
years. Research economists who examined
debt and gross domestic product (GDP) data from many countries have concluded
that a debt-to-GDP ratio exceeding 80% can stifle future economic growth,
increase unemployment and cripple the federal budget as a result of the high
cost of interest to service the debt.
Our current debt-to-GDP ratio in the United States is 105%.
Strong economic growth would
help alleviate some of the pressure on the federal budget. The oft-used cliché that “a rising tide lifts
all boats” is applicable here. Economic
growth lowers the debt-to-GDP ratio, decreases unemployment and helps make
servicing the national debt more manageable.
Economic growth, as measured
by real growth in GDP, has exceeded the long-term average of 3% only two
quarters out of the past 12. This
weakness, along with political and policy uncertainty, has caused business
investment to stall and the banking system to be uncharacteristically risk
averse, particularly harming the job creation machine of small business that
has suffered under tight credit conditions.
Whoever wins the presidency
will face important policy-making decisions to address our sub-par
economy. Legislating incentives, such as
tax reformation, will generate better economic growth, increase employment and
reduce uncertainty. Exercise your right
to vote!
Dr. Jason T. White
Principal / Chief
Advisor for Research & Economics