By Dr. Jason White
Family Investment Center
In a few weeks, I'll be speaking to Mainstream, Inc. and the Kansas and Missouri Non-Profit Associations on "Future Impact of the Recession on Non-profits." The event is set for Thursday, August 26, from 1 to 4 p.m. at Cabela's in Kansas City, Kan.
It's a timely topic, as the Recession that we're currently enduring has hit them twice as hard. Many non-profits have seen an increase in requests for assistance, as many people have lost their jobs, but they've also seen a decrease in donations and, if they're living off endowment interest, a decrease in the amount of income from their endowments. It's incredibly stressful.
What I hope to do is present non-profits with strategies that can help them weather this time. I plan to cover the following points:
• Economic stress on non-profits, and how they are coping.
• Why some non-profits are weathering the storm, while others are bankrupt or headed
in that direction.
• The combined impact of lower revenues; higher costs; declining endowment values; and slower cash flow collections.
• The "nimbleness" of some non-profits that have mitigated financial damage.
• Suggested coping strategies to survive, and even thrive, this Great Recession we are enduring.
If you want to attend, you can register here:
Hope to see you there!
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